Originally known as the sensitivity of film, ISO is one of the three essential elements of photography. The other two fundamentals are shutter speed and aperture. Your camera’s ISO has a significant impact on how your captured images turn out.

So, what is ISO, and how can you change the ISO value in your camera? Read on to find out!

What Is ISO?

ISO is an essential camera setting that can brighten or darken a picture. It refers to your camera’s “light gathering” ability or its sensor’s sensitivity to light. As you boost the ISO number on your camera, your photos will become brighter. Similarly, as you lower the ISO value, your photos will become darker.

Due to its ability to brighten images, a higher ISO can help you capture stunning photos in darker settings. However, if the ISO is too high, your picture will have a noticeable, off-putting noise, also known as grain. It’s why you have to find the ideal ISO value for your setting.

What Is Base ISO?

The lowest ISO speed on your camera is your base ISO. It’s a vital setting that you should try to stick to as it allows you to produce high-quality images with minimal noise. Some older digital cameras have a base ISO of 200, while most modern devices come with a base ISO of 100.

Common ISO Values

Each camera has a different range of ISO speeds or values. However, the most common ISO values are ISO 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, and 6400. When you double the ISO speed on your camera, you will double the brightness of your photo. For instance, at ISO 800, your picture will be twice as bright as the one taken at ISO 400.

How to Change ISO

Changing the ISO value on your camera varies based on the model of your device. However, you can try the following ways to change the ISO on your camera:

  • Get out of auto mode and select manual, aperture priority mode, or any other mode that allows you to change the ISO value. Select the ISO value that you want.
  • For entry-level cameras and DSLRs, you can find the ISO section in the menu. Click on the value you want and put it on auto mode.
  • High-end cameras have a dedicated ISO button on them. All you have to do is press the button while spinning the wheel to change your ISO setting.
  • If your camera has a dedicated wheel with various ISO settings, move the wheel until you land on the desired setting.

What Camera ISO Should You Use?

Many cameras come with a wide range of ISO values to ensure that you can use the right ISO for the right occasion. Typically, you should try sticking to a lower ISO or the base ISO of your camera. However, at times, you might need to use a high ISO to prevent blur or when you’re unable to make a long exposure.

For instance, a higher ISO is incredibly useful for diminishing camera shake when you’re hand-holding your device in limited light. In such an instance, a high ISO will result in a sharper image. It’s because your sensor will be able to pick up the limited light quickly.

I hope this guide answered your question, “What is ISO?” Now that you know all about it, go ahead and start experimenting with both high and low ISO for engaging photos!

If you need a refresher on aperture or shutter speed, read my article on What is Aperture? and What is Shutter Speed?

Learn more about the exposure triangle or other photography concept on my beginners guide to photography.


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