travel means thought

What Travel Means To Me

Many people say they want to travel more, but don’t actually get to do so. To have the opportunity, means and ability to travel is something that should not be taken for granted. In light of this, I took a moment to think about what travel means to me.

As we fly through life, it’s very easy to lose sight of why we do things. Often, we find ourselves on autopilot doing things day in and day out without giving much thought. The same thing can happen when we travel. So, the next time you’re shelling out bucks for your next journey, don’t just go through the motions ask yourself, “What’s it for?”

When you plan your travels, what factors into your trip decisions?  How do you decide on the different aspects of your journey? Do you have a predetermined itinerary or do you just go off-the-cuff and “wing it?”

So, what does travel mean, you ask? To me, travel means…


We are all life-long learners. From the wee ages to the day we meet our maker, we are always in the pursuit of knowledge. The best learning is done through immersion and we can all agree that the world is the best classroom. With that being said, every location, culture, person has something unique and new to contribute to your lesson of the day. Get out there and be a global student.


Nothing quite compares to that moment when you get that first whiff of freshly made pasta from a street-side restaurant in Rome or a tall, foaming glass of Guiness in Dublin. The indelible memory of the Eiffel Tower bathing is the warm summer sun; or the sweet sounds of jazz notes floating into your ears while in New Orleans. Get out there and see for yourself

…establishing relationships!

sharing a pint

Some of my best memories abroad stem from me stepping out of my box and befriending new people. When you get the change, accept the invite to grab a beer at a hole-in-the-wall bar and share travel experiences with a stranger. I gained a friend from half a world away because I chose to accept the invite. Cheers, Kery!

…personal growth!

Few things will help you grow as a person faster than when you do on a solo journey. That moment when you find yourself in a foreign country for the first time and that uneasy feeling fills your entire being. When you repeatedly ask the universe, “What am I doing here?” When you have nothing to rely on but your wisdom and wits. That is when you discover there is more to you than you ever realized. That is growth!

This is what travel means to me – learning, experiences, relationships and personal growth.  Unfortunately, it has been bit of time since my last trip. Every day seems like it’s on cruise control and, quite frankly, something has to give. You may be able to relate, but if you can’t, what is your secret!?! No matter the reason, there is no time better than the present to take back control and return to doing the things that have meaning in our lives.

I would enjoy learning what travel means to other people! Please leave a comment and share what the meaning of travel is for you?


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10 responses to “What Travel Means To Me”

  1. Good point! Travel opens up a lot of doors in a multitude of ways. Really can make you think deep of the possible outcomes and self growth that’s possible being out there and being an explorer of our world. Great post!

    1. Thanks for the comment, Ken! With every new journey, there is opportunity for more growth. It’s a beautiful thing!

  2. Great post! I totally agree- I love learning about new places and new lifestyles. And I totally know what you mean about feeling like you’re on cruise control. If I don’t take at least a small trip every 4 months I go totally nuts.

    1. Thank your for leaving a comment, Janine! Yes, I completely agree with you about needing to get away every few months! That autopilot mode is dangerous because it’s so easy to fall into. Break the captivity of repetition!!

  3. Travel to me is alabput understanding and appreciation. Not only for the incredible places you visit but also for what you get to come home to at the end of it that not everyone is lucky enough to have.

    1. Thanks for the comment, Jaime! You’re absolutely right and appreciation for all that we have should not be overlooked.

  4. austevidmantas Avatar

    When you described the jazz, and the Guiness… I really felt those things! :)) We’ve been travelling for a bit now, and when it comes to food, every country has its “gem” so to speak 🙂

    1. Thank you for leaving a comment! I’m happy I was able to take you to those places! What has been your favorite food “gem” thus far?

  5. Shannon Avatar

    Establishing Relationships! This is so true! Whenever I am traveling I have no problem grabbing a drink with whoever just to talk about travel and what their next adventures look like. When I am home it always seems so strange to just grab a drink with whoever! I have met some pretty awesome people abroad because of this! The personal growth part is perfect as well! My first solo trip was to Puerto Rico. I rented a car and drove around the island. I asked myself so many times what was I thinking traveling alone. But I had such a blast, all by myself! You truly do learn a lot about yourself when you travel alone. Great post!

    1. Thank you for commenting, Shannon! Thank you for sharing your experiences and you make some great points! That’s so true! Why is it so weird to befriend strangers here and just strike up a conversation? To your point, it’s cool to just start chatting there, but when home, it’s odd.

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